May 3, 2017

Shutdown or paid vacation?

dirt trail through grass field and woods | Just Another Mary

This is my small, public service announcement–

Did you know whenever we have a government shutdown, whether the president is a Democrat or Republican, all the workers sent home are given back pay when the budget passes? Your tax dollars fund two, three and maybe four week vacations for federal employees. I am sure you are aware that federal employees already have a tremendously generous amount of vacation days and holidays.

Granted, it is never easy to have to make all your bill payments when your biweekly check isn’t deposited on time. Hopefully, these federal employees have grown accustomed to these threats of government shutdowns and keep money set aside for the next one. Perhaps, if the shutdowns occur on a regular enough annual basis, these public servants can start planning their vacations around them.

Wouldn’t it be great if inaction among members of Congress paid for you to take a vacation? Can you even imagine your boss saying, “I can’t get the numbers to work on the budget. Go on home. Don’t worry, I’ll pay you back for all your time off, once I get this budget done?”


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