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Sequelae and the Big Try

I injured myself on New Year’s Eve, 2019. Completely sober, I broke some metatarsals in my foot. At my first doctor’s appointment, I was told the healing could take up to three months, due to my age. “My age?” I thought. Had I reached the age when doctors say “due to...

Which of These 26 Maladaptive Ways Are You?

Maladaptive is such a succinct word, and yet we are so creative in finding numerous ways to be maladaptive. "Mal," if you remember as little as I do from high school French, you know it means bad. It also includes adaptive. It means the bad ways in which we adapt, and...

New & Improved Advice for My Sons

A therapist told me a story that happened when she was in training on the Isle of Man. A female patient was complaining to the doctor about her thoughts. “How can I stop these terrible thoughts? Please give me something to make them stop.” The doctor explained that...

Remembering the Circle in a Time of Great Loss

  “Dale, you won’t believe it! It’s the tallest man I’ve ever seen! Come quick!” “What does he look like?” he asked. “He is the tallest man I’ve ever seen! You’re going to miss him if you don’t come now!” “What does he look like?” he asked again. “He has a crew...


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